Meal Program
At The Classical Academies, a non-classroom-based independent study charter school, we are delighted to provide every student with a complimentary breakfast and lunch meal kit while on campus. Both meals need to be pre-ordered through the front office and can be picked up at school sites.
We participate in a school meal program that offers a complimentary, nutritious breakfast and lunch every school day. This program is open to all students who are on campus for educational purposes for more than two hours, regardless of eligibility status. Pre-packaged meal kits must be ordered online (please inquire with your school’s front office for the current link). While on campus, students can select from the available pre-packaged meals during breakfast or lunch.
Each pre-packaged breakfast kit includes breakfast cereal, dried fruit, unsweetened regular or flavored applesauce or fruit juice, graham crackers, and low-fat milk. Each pre-packaged lunch kit contains options such as chicken salad, Wow Buttercup, or hummus and sides like sunflower kernels, a cheese stick, or soy nuts. It includes unsweetened or flavored applesauce or dried fruit, a vegetable juice blend, crackers/chips, and low-fat milk.
For any inquiries, please contact your school’s front office or email us at