The Classical Academy

Welcome to the Best Homeschooling Program

I appreciate your interest in The Classical Academy. My name is Kenna Molina, and I welcome you to our school. I understand your commitment to educating your children, as I have done the same with my own. I value this partnership, and my door is always open to you.

The Classical Academy is a California Distinguished School that is dynamic, tuition-free, and has been serving students in grades TK-8 since 1999. The Classical Academy is passionate about providing the best education for students to become successful thinkers, communicators, and achievers. We accomplish this by providing rigorous and flexible academic programs that partner with parents in their mission to educate their children.

The Classical Academy is a part of The Classical Academies organization, an organization of numerous California public charter schools that maintain a commitment to excellence through their partnership with parents. The Classical Academy provides personal attention and opportunities for each student to maximize their potential by creating a dynamic learning environment that prepares students for a lifetime of learning and exploring. With flexible educational options available, The Classical Academy can challenge and motivate students to learn in the style and manner which best meets their individual needs.

I look forward to getting to know your family!
Kenna Molina

Program Overview

Young boy smiling while playing on playground

The Classical Academy offers flexible academic programming, which provides quality learning options. Students are guided in achieving academic excellence in an environment that promotes meaningful learning. All programs follow an independent study model with considerable support from credentialed teachers. Student work is assigned on our online learning management system and reviewed at parent-teacher conferences. Students have a variety of learning programs to choose from.

Each year the academics are divided into "units," which are lesson plans packaged into six or seven week increments. These units are written by credentialed teachers and provide instruction based on the topics, standards, and goals addressed in core curricular areas of language arts, literature, math, science, and history. The Classical Academy exclusively designs the units to facilitate teaching at home.

Supplemental lessons are also provided in character education, and often ties are made with art and music. Units are posted to Schoology, our Learning Management System, one week before the instruction begins, allowing parents the time necessary to plan and prepare for the coming unit of study.

The Classical Academy curriculum supports students in attaining mastery of the California Content Standards. Lessons are adaptable and allow teachers/parents preference. Parents receive prepared lesson plans, answer keys, and accompanying books and resources to teach home lessons.

Program Options

A mom and her son talking with a teacher

There are three program options for students:

Track A meets on campus Tuesdays and Thursdays from 8:00 am - 2:30 pm. Classes are limited to 20 students per teacher, and students receive instruction in language arts, math, science, music, and art. Students have traditional recess and lunch breaks. While at home on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, students complete assignments in language arts, literature, math, and history. Students must follow the school curriculum and work independently with a supervising adult on non-workshop days. Students in A and B Tracks must participate in scheduled parent-teacher conferences at the end of every unit to assess student work.

Track B is identical to Track A. However, students attend school workshops on Wednesdays and Fridays from 8:00 am - 2:30 pm.

Track C (Grades TK-8) This track is for families who would like more flexibility in their curriculum selection. Students work at home five days per week with the option of enrolling in C’lectives classes. Students are accountable to a credentialed teacher or Educational Specialist (ES). Parents communicate weekly with their ES via email, phone, or in person. Scheduled parent/teacher conferences are required after the completion of each unit to assess student work and learning.

C’lectives are supplemental on-campus classes for students enrolled in C Track; TK – 8th grade. C’lectives provide C Track students with classroom interaction and friendship-building opportunities. Credentialed teachers work with 25 students or less to develop critical thinking skills in core classes, such as history, science, math, writing, and reading. Elective classes such as Art, PE, Gardening, Home Economics, Computers, and STEAM are also offered. Students may enroll in classes that meet on-campus Tuesday through Friday. C’lectives classes are a year-long commitment with sign-ups in late spring through summer for the following school year.

Student Activities

All students are invited to participate in the award-winning choir program, which meets on Mondays throughout the school year. There are three choirs: primary, intermediate, and advanced. The Classical Academy Choir performs multiple times throughout the school year.

Young girl playing a recorder next to a teacher.

Physical Education
Students on Tracks A and B receive physical education instruction once per week. C'lectives students have the option to participate in one PE class. All students must meet the minimum physical fitness requirements and will need to complete additional required hours independently.

Field Trips
The Classical Academy plans several field trips yearly for students and their families to attend. These field trips often align with classroom learning in history or science. Field trip opportunities might include a visit to a museum, the zoo, a farm, or another educational excursion. All school field trips are family-friendly, meaning the entire family is welcome to attend unless otherwise stated. Parents are responsible for their children at all school field trips and events. Students have the opportunity to participate in the following grade-level specific class trips:
4th Grade- California history in Sacramento/San Francisco
5th Grade- Adventure and team building at Pathfinders Camp & Biztown
6th Grade- Science at AstroCamp
7th Grade-  Marine Biology on Catalina Island
8th Grade- US History on an East Coast tour

The Classical Academy provides an engaging learning experience for all students in kindergarten through eighth grade. Interactive, multi-media art education programs are provided on Tracks A, B, and C. C'lectives students may choose between various art classes, including; drawing, painting, 3D art, and pottery.

Young girl and boy painting at a table

Art Festival
The Classical Academy hosts an annual Spring Art Show celebrating visual and performing arts. The community is invited to enjoy demonstrations of student artwork as well as singing, acting, dancing, and instrumental performances.

On-Campus FUN
Throughout the school year, students are invited to participate in various activities on campus, including our Old Fashioned Family Fair, Scholastic Book Fair, spirit days, community service projects, movie nights, and more!

Associated Student Body (ASB)
ASB is open to  6th, 7th and 8th-grade students at The Classical Academy. Students grow their leadership skills through mentorship and service while electing their own officers, planning and directing school events, and managing fundraisers and community service projects. There are many opportunities for students to identify an area of interest and serve on a corresponding committee that allows them to pursue their passion. ASB supports the students, families, and The Classical Academy community through its service. Interested students are welcome to apply, interview, and provide references for consideration.


Special Education

The Classical Academy Department of Special Education’s mission ensures that children with disabilities receive a Free Appropriate Public Education (FAPE) in the Least Restrictive Environment (LRE). We accomplish this by working collaboratively with families, students, teachers, and other professionals to promote student success through individualized learning and support. The Classical Academy is committed to serving the needs of all students. Our school believes that the Least Restrictive Environment begins in the general education classroom/setting for all students, and supplemental aids and services are added to the student’s education setting according to individual needs. Students who are identified as having learning or behavioral disabilities are provided a comprehensive range of services as specified in a student’s Individualized Education Plan (IEP). The Classical Academy’s Special Education program includes a range of services for students found eligible under the Individuals With Disabilities Education Act (IDEA). The Classical Academy believes in a team approach: student, parent, general education teacher, special education teacher, and any additional instrumental team member.


Teachers meet with students and parents at the end of each unit of study, which is about every six weeks. Teachers collect work samples and reading logs, review student work, answer questions, and discuss student progress at these conferences. As partners in the educational process, teachers support parents with communication and collaboration. Conferences are a time to review objectives, ask questions, and make sure students are on track with their learning objectives.

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