Classical Academy Vista

Welcome to the Best Homeschooling Program

I am Principal Kirstin Lasto, and I am excited to see your kids thrive in our flexible learning programs. As a parent, teacher, and leader, I understand your commitment to educating your children. I value our partnership, and I am always open to hearing your ideas and getting to know you!

Classical Academy Vista is a California Distinguished School that supports students in obtaining mastery of the California Content Standards. Lessons are adaptable and allow teacher/parent preference and flexibility in personalizing learning for each child’s unique learning needs. Serving students in grades TK-8, we offer a personalized academic program, giving students the flexibility to excel at their own pace. Students are encouraged to master the “basics” in an environment that promotes meaningful, intellectual stimulation. All programs are considered independent study, although teachers and staff will support families. Supplemental lessons are also provided in character education, and ties are made with art, music, and technology.

The school year is split into six-week units with assignments and lesson plans provided to parents one week before the instruction begins. This allows parents to plan and prepare for the coming unit of study. Student work is assigned by credentialed teachers and reviewed at parent-teacher conferences, which are held at the end of each six-week unit.

We strive to partner with parents to provide a dynamic and engaging academic educational model. Our small environment creates an atmosphere of supportive community and togetherness.

I look forward to seeing you on campus!

Kirstin Lasto

Program Overview

Young boy smiling in a classroom.

Classical Academy Vista serves students in grades TK-8. We offer a personalized academic program where students have the flexibility to excel at their own pace. Our students are encouraged to master the ‘basics’ in an environment that promotes meaningful, intellectual stimulation. Student work is assigned by credentialed teachers and reviewed at parent-teacher conferences, which are held every six weeks.

Each year the academics are divided into six units of study. Credentialed teachers write lesson plans to provide instruction based on the standards and goals addressed in core curricular areas of language arts, math, science, and history. The units are designed specifically for Classical Academy parents and facilitate teaching at home.

Character education and digital citizenship are also provided as supplemental lessons with ties to art, music, and technology. Lesson plans and assignments are provided to parents one week before instruction begins, allowing parents the time necessary to plan and prepare for the coming unit of study.

Leader in Me School

Classical Academy Vista (CAV) is proud to be a Leader in Me School, teaching our students leadership and life skills based on Stephen Covey's bestselling book, The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People. Here at CAV, we believe that every student is a leader.

Leader in Me is an evidence-based PK-12 model, developed in partnership with educators and designed to build leadership in students, create a high-trust culture, and improve academic achievement. It is a school improvement system that empowers students with the leadership and life skills they need to thrive in the 21st century. Learn more about the Leader in Me here.

We focus on developing the whole child by:

  • Teaching leadership to every student.
  • Creating a culture of student empowerment.
  • Aligning systems to drive results in academics.

We use two frameworks in our work as a leadership school: 

We invite families and community partners to join us in our mission to by: 

  • Attending an upcoming leadership school event.
  • Sponsoring or supporting a schoolwide leadership role, club, or service-learning project.
  • Attend a 7 Habits of Effective Families event.

Program Options

A mom smiling with her two kids while talking with a teacher.

Classical Academy Vista provides a variety of flexible educational learning plans to better meet student needs.

  • Tracks A/B: Students in grades K-5 meet on campus two days per week.
  • Track A- Tuesday and Wednesday
  • 9:00 am – 3:00 pm -Grades K-2
  • 9:00 am –  3:30 pm – Grades 3-5
  • Track B- Thursday and Friday
  • 9:00 am – 3:00 pm – Grades K-2
  • 9:00 am – 3:30 pm – Grades 3-5
  • Track M: Students in grades 6- 8 meet on campus three days per week.
  • Track M: Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday
  • 9:00 am – 3:30 pm Grades 6-8

Workshop classes are limited to 20 students for A/B Track and 25 for M Track per teacher. Students will work on concept-based lessons in math, language arts, and science. Traditional recess and lunch breaks are incorporated into the day. While at home, students will complete assignments in language arts, math, and history. All students receive electives during their days on campus. These classes may be in  art, music, or technology. Students enrolled in Tracks A/B or M use the TCA curriculum and work independently with a supervising adult on non-workshop days.

Track C (Grades TK-8)
This track is for families who would like more flexibility in their curriculum selection. Students work at home five days per week. Students are accountable to a credentialed teacher or Educational Specialist (ES). Parents communicate weekly with their ES via email, phone, or in person. Scheduled parent/teacher conferences are required after the completion of each unit to assess student work and learning. For students using the TCA curriculum, there are Virtual Learning classes for students in grades 1-8. C track families have curriculum choices and may have funds for outside vendors.

Transitional Kindergarten
Students who turn four between September 2nd - September 1st are eligible to attend transitional kindergarten. Students are assigned to Track C and work with a credentialed teacher and their parent or guardian to prepare for kindergarten.

Literacy and math specialists are available five days a week to support families and teachers in the classroom. Workshop teachers are also available to assist you and your child as needed.

Student Activities

Classical Academy Vista has an after-school sports program for 6th-8th  grade students. Sports change about every eight weeks depending on student interest and parent-volunteer coaches. Practice and games are held weekly, including volleyball, flag football, cross-country, and others. Sports teams compete with other small schools or are non-competitive.

Class Trips
Students in grades 4-8 can participate in educational and enriching overnight class trips. Trips include Sacramento/San Francisco, Pathfinder Camp, Astrocamp, Catalina Island, and the East Coast.

Young girl playing a recorder next to a teacher.

Field Trips
Classical Academy Vista plans field trips to align with classroom learning in history or science. Field trip opportunities include a variety of opportunities to support the learning units. All school field trips are family-friendly, meaning the entire family can attend. Parents are responsible for their children on all field trips.

Throughout the year, students are invited to get involved with various activities on campus, such as:
● Spirit Dress Up Days
● Community Service Days
● Morning Assemblies  and Awards
● End of the Year celebration
● 8th-Grade Promotion

Young boy in a lab coat holding a paper and pencil talking to a teacher about something on his paper.

Associated Student Body (ASB)
ASB is open to 7th and 8th-grade students at Classical Academy Vista. Students grow their leadership skills through mentorship and service while electing their officers, planning and directing school events, and managing fundraisers and community service projects. There are many opportunities for students to identify an area of interest and serve on a corresponding committee that allows them to pursue their passion. ASB supports the students, families, and the Classical Academy Vista community through its service. Interested students are welcome to apply, interview, and provide references for consideration.

Special Education

Our Special Education program ensures that children with disabilities receive a Free Appropriate Public Education (FAPE) in the Least Restrictive Environment (LRE). We accomplish this by working collaboratively with families, students, teachers, and other professionals to promote student success through individualized learning and support. Classical Academy is committed to serving the needs of all students. Our schools believe that the Least Restrictive Environment begins in the general education classroom/setting for all students, and supplemental aids and services are added to students’ educational settings according to their individual needs. Students with learning or behavioral disabilities are provided a comprehensive range of services as specified in students’ Individualized Education Plans (IEPs). The Classical Academy Special Education program, includes various services for eligible students under the Individuals With Disabilities Education Act (IDEA). Classical Academy believes in a team approach: student, parent, general education teacher, special education teacher, and any instrumental team member. This team works together to create and execute a plan to make the student most successful.


Teachers meet with parents and their students at the end of each six-week unit of study. Teachers collect work samples and reading logs, review all student work, answer questions, and discuss student progress at these conferences. Teachers support parents with communication and collaboration as partners in the educational process. This is a time to review learning objectives, ask questions, celebrate successes, and ensure that students are on track academically.

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